Our terroirs

Soil talks: if you listen to it and stick with it, that soil will produce wines of character and expressions of different terroirs.
Terroir is a combination of soil, climate and man’s know-how. It’s impossible to make the best wine. Trying to get the best possible snapshot of a terroir is the art of the vintner. It’s not about making technical wines, but serving the terroir. Allowing it to express itself truthfully. Man can make or destroy a terroir.

Discover the plot selections of the 2013 and 2014 vintages

On the left bank of the Rhône, the Hermitage vineyard clings to a magnificent steep hillside. A legendary hillside and history have built, over the centuries, the mythical reputation of this grand cru. Among this exceptional range of wines, Le Méal and De L'Orée stand out. These Selections Iconic parcels of the Maison M CHAPOUTIER, available in small quantities, whose 2013 and 2014 vintages are now available and ready to be tasted.

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